Other activities to avoid after handling chillies: Blowing your nose Cutting your nails Scratching any sort of itch on your body, nor anyone else’s for that matter Petting the dog/cat/bird/domestic rodent Squeezing your spots- you shouldn’t be doing this one anyway Going to the bathroom- you really don’t want to do that Your fingers will be glad to hear (?) that with this recipe there is no contact with the inside of the chilli and the whole thing is used, so no wastage. Eating whole chillies may sound completely insane and lethal but you should know that once you eat one chilli and enjoy it, the next time you’re probably going to want it to be hotter… and so on, and so on, and so on. It’s a bit like building up resistance or immunity, which is great because chillies (in moderation) are great for the body. This will last weeks and weeks in the fridge (covered) because the thick, sour yogurt will envelope the whole chillies in a protective little blanket. So don’t worry, you won’t need to eat all of those babies in one go.* Ingredients 1 ½ cups thin green chillies (the kind of chilli you use is completely up to you) 2 cups Greek yogurt (I used Total) 2 tsp whole mustard seeds soaked in hot water for 5 minutes 2 ½ tbsp English mustard 1 small pinch turmeric 1 small pinch asafoetida (optional) ½ tsp-1 tsp salt (or according to taste) 1 tbsp lemon juice Method *Please don’t actually try to do that because KO Rasoi refuses to be liable for the many hideous repercussions. Share this recipe