These require a little bit of prep work but if you’re an artichoke lover, it’s worth it. Expect to get messy when eating these because you’ll be eating them with your hands and you might want to set extra plates to put the discarded leaves. If you’ve never eaten a stuffed artichoke before, what you have to do is pull off a leaf and scrape the fleshy part at the leaf’s bottom between your teeth, and discard the rest of the leaf. Once all the leaves are gone, you’ll be left with the artichoke heart in the center which is probably the best part and worth working towards. These are filling! You may want to share one or you can eat a whole one as a meal. Enjoy!!

Italian Stuffed Artichokes - 6Italian Stuffed Artichokes - 85Italian Stuffed Artichokes - 99Italian Stuffed Artichokes - 12Italian Stuffed Artichokes - 70Italian Stuffed Artichokes - 64Italian Stuffed Artichokes - 42