Hi everyone! Chelsea back from Chelsea’s Messy Apron with a simple Spring salad for you today! When making a salad, I tend to go way overboard and have about 18 million toppings to a bed of lettuce – nuts, fruits, veggies, more fruits, more veggies, cheese, more cheese… Oh and a few more nuts for good measure… But this time we’re keeping it super simple and I’m certain you’ll love it that way! We’ve got cherry tomatoes, shredded carrots, sliced almonds, and Parmesan cheese all on top of a bed of shredded brussels sprouts. Super simple and totally tasty! Enjoy 🙂
More Salad Recipes from Chelsea’s Messy Apron:
Candied Pecan, Pear, & Pomegranate Salad
Candied Almond, Mandarin Orange, and Apple Salad
4-Ingredient Raspberry Yogurt Salad